For Programs

An important part of a successful community prevention plan includes teen pregnancy prevention programs and teen health services that have been shown to really work!  Here are sources to help identify effective programs that are a good match for your youth and settings, and to find trainings that build skills for your health educators.


Amplify Tulsa offers data, program resources, professional development opportunities, and training on health education curricula and youth development topics for schools, clinics, and community organizations. It also connects organizations and projects focused on shared goals of promoting optimal adolescent health and teen pregnancy prevention in the Tulsa metro area.

Take Control Initiative empowers teen and adult women in the Tulsa area with the choice of when to have children through education, outreach and free clinical services for long acting reversible contraception (LARC).

Thrive: Sexual Health Collective for Youth convenes community organizations to implement the Central Oklahoma teen pregnancy prevention plan, Momentum Matters, 2020-2025. It promotes community partnerships, evidence-based programs, clinic referrals and services, and youth/adult engagement opportunities across the  OKC metro area.

Oklahoma KIDS COUNT, coordinate by the Oklahoma Policy Institute through support from the Annie E. Casey Foundation, identifies Teen Births as one of 16 key indicators that determine state rankings on child well-being, one being Teen Birth Rates. For the recent state report, check Oklahoma Profile. For national and state child well-being indicators, check KIDS COUNT Data Center.


Advocates for Youth champions efforts to engage young people in making informed and responsible decisions about reproductive and sexual health.

Advocates for Youth: OCTOBER – Let’s Talk Month Planning Guide

Answer offers extensive information on high-quality sexuality education for young people. It also provides resources and training opportunities for the adults who teach sexual health programs. Based at Rutgers University, Answer is a go-to resource for health educators and program providers across the country. It provides effective materials and highly accurate information.

Centers for Disease Control (CDC) features national statistics, research and resources, including the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) report on Sexual Risk Behaviors (youth, grades 9-12). Their National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) prepares an annual birth report with final and extensive national and state data, including teen birth data.

Healthy Teen Network provides resource materials and training on a wide range of  topics — from planning effective prevention programs and working with teen males to emergency contraception and programs that support teen parents. Their Learning Center outlines the range of training opportunities provided.  Their free e-learning material includes The Teacher’s Guide to Sex Ed, an 8-unit online training that reviews the basics of teaching sexuality education to young people.

HHS/Administration for Children & Families (ACF) supervises the federally funded State and Tribal Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP) grants and the Personal Responsibility Education Innovative Strategies (PREIS) grants. Resources that address runaway youth, homeless youth, and human trafficking can be found here.

HHS/Office of Population Affairs provides resources on teen pregnancy prevention, adolescent development, and optimal health. Click here for information about Teen Pregnancy Prevention grants and programs. Click here for a downloadable copy of their Youth Listening Session Toolkit.

Kids Health provides a Teacher/Health Educator section with trusted information about health, behavior and development from birth through the teen years. The site also has sections for kids, teens and parents.

MTV Resource Guide, “It’s Your Sex Life,” provides many resources on various topics such as pregnancy, STDs, relationships, communication and other issues relevant to the lives of teens.

National Sexuality Education Standards: Advocates for Youth, Answer (Rutgers), SIECUS, and other national health and education organizations, along with experts in the field, have created the National Sexuality Education Standards, outlining core content and skills for school-based programs, grades K – 12,

Power To Decide (formerly the National Campaign to Prevent Teen & Unplanned Pregnancy) provides an extensive range of information and downloadable resources to help teens and young adults determine “if and when” they want to become pregnant. Topics include why teen pregnancy prevention matters, birth control methods, adolescent data by state, public opinion surveys, programs showing evidence of effectiveness, issue briefs, community college initiatives, as well as suggestions for promoting prevention with teens at different ages/developmental stages and in a variety of settings.

Teen Talk, designed by Power to Decide, is a youth-focused source of information and resources that teens want to know about relationships, sex ed, birth control, abstinence, health services and more.