Each year, thousands of young people across Oklahoma become parents before they earn a high school diploma. They are unprepared for the challenges of parenting and supporting a family. Most haven’t finished growing up themselves. We provide data and information for those who are helping young people complete their education, access health services and become self-sufficient, before they start a family.
Healthy Teens OK! is the go-to source for data, program resources and groups that use proven approaches to reduce teen pregnancy and promote healthy adolescent development. Healthy Teens OK! is a partner of Oklahoma KIDS COUNT, which is coordinated by the Oklahoma Policy Institute through support from the Annie E. Casey Foundation. With its Data Center tracking over a hundred indicators, KIDS COUNT is recognized as the premiere source of county, state and national data on child and youth well-being in Oklahoma and across the country.
Though Oklahoma’s teen birth rates and numbers have declined steadily over the past decade, its teen birth rate has remained among the highest in the nation. Other states have focused more intentionally on expanding effective strategies, evidence-based educational programs, teen-friendly health services and community-wide partnerships. Healthy Teens OK! offers downloadable factsheets that local program providers can use for presentations and funding proposals, as well as share with organizational partners, community leaders and policymakers.
Teen pregnancy is not a single issue; it involves a wide range of health, education and youth development factors. Reducing it is a key strategy for:
• Creating healthy, capable, self-sufficient young people and families.
• Reducing poverty and expanding opportunities for all young people to succeed.
• Increasing school readiness, high school graduation rates and college attendance.
• Expanding a skilled workforce and the economic prosperity of our communities.
For more data on the well-being of children and youth in Oklahoma, go to:
National KIDS COUNT Data Center – Oklahoma: https://datacenter.kidscount.org/data#OK/2/0/char/0
Oklahoma KIDS COUNT: https://okpolicy.org/resources/kids-count/