Fast Facts

While teen birth numbers and rates have been decreasing in Oklahoma over the years, we still lag behind other states and have one of the highest teen birth rates in the nation. Adolescents and young adults have the highest rates of the most common Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). Teen pregnancy and STIs are preventable. Investing in their prevention will pay high dividends for our state’s young people, our future workforce and our state’s economic prosperity. Below are downloadable factsheets to promote health education and services for all youth.


Oklahoma Alert: Teen Pregnancy in Oklahoma Data At A Glance

This factsheet is updated annually, as new birth data becomes final. It provides an at-a-glance overview of teen birth numbers, rate comparisons, high risk populations and evidence-based programs.

Teen Birth Numbers and Rates Statewide, 2019 – 2023  

Teen Birth Numbers and Rates by County, 2019 – 2023

Oklahoma KIDS COUNT Teen Birth Trends Statewide, 2013 – 2022

Oklahoma KIDS COUNT Teen Birth Trends by County, 2013 – 2022

Oklahoma Teen Birth Report, 1996 – 2020

Teen Birth Rate Rankings by State:
General Rate, Ages 15-19
Younger Teens, Ages 15-17
Older Teens, Ages 18-19

Maps – Oklahoma Teen Birth Numbers by County:
Ages 19 and Younger (total)
Ages 10-14
Ages 15-17
Ages 18-19

Maps – Oklahoma Teen Birth Rates by County
General Rate, Ages 15-19
Younger Teens, Ages 15-17
Older Teens, Ages 18-19

Oklahoma Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS)
Oklahoma YRBS – Sexual Risk Behaviors

Oklahoma YRBS – Sexual Health Factsheet 

Oklahoma YRBS – Sexual Behavior by Gender, Grade, Race/Ethnicity

Oklahoma YRBS Factsheet – Mental Health Infographic  

Oklahoma YRBS Factsheet – Bullying Infographic

Oklahoma YRBS Factsheet – Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

Specific Groups or Issues
Strategies for Older Teens
Subsequent Teen Births 

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) 

For resource information, contact the Sexual Health and Harm Reducation Services at the Oklahoma State Department of Health. Below are links to their most recent STI data factsheets.

Chlamydia in Oklahoma

Chlamydia has been the most prevalent, reportable STi in Oklahoma, with 21,974  cases in 2018. The 20 to 24 age range had the most cases (36%), followed by the 15 to 19 age range (29%). Females accounted for 70% of the cases; males were 30% of the cases. 

Gonorrhea in Oklahoma

After chlamydia, gonorrhea is the second most prevalent STD reported in Oklahoma. In 2018, the state reported 8,998 cases, with 27% in the 20 to 24 age range and 17% in the 15 to 19 age range. Females accounted for 51% of all cases, with males at 49%. 

Syphilis in Oklahoma

In 2018, a total of 531 cases of primary and secondary (P&S) syphilis were reported in Oklahoma, of which 71% were to males and 27% were to females. The 30-34 age group had the highest number of cases, followed by the 25-29 age group.

HIV/AIDS in Oklahoma

In 2018, an estimated 6,163 people were living with HIV/AIDS in Oklahoma, with the highest number between the ages of 20-29. Over four out of every five were males (83%), with females comprising 17%.



The KIDS COUNT Data Center, an initiative of the Annie E. Casey Foundation, includes over 100 indicators of child well-being for every state, as well as reports on youth and families at risk. Click here for Oklahoma data.

National Center for Health Statistics/ CDC – Annual Birth Data Report