
Teens want accurate information that relates to the issues in their lives. When it comes to relationships, sex, STIs, birth control, pregnancy or sexual orientation, it’s important to separate facts from myths. No matter what your questions, there are resources to help. Check out the following:

Adolescent Sexual Health Rights in Oklahoma are outlined by Sex, Etc., a project of Answer at Rutgers University.

Advocates for Youth champions efforts to help young people make informed, responsible decisions about their reproductive and sexual health. Advocates believe it can best serve youth by boldly advocating for a more positive and realistic approach to adolescent health. They provide information for youth, parents and program providers.

Bedsider is a free support network about birth control provided by the National Campaign to Prevent Teen & Unplanned Pregnancy. It includes information about birth control access, methods, and the importance of using protection.

Girl Smarts is a website written by girls for girls to encourage smart decision-making when dealing with critical moments and health-related issues in their daily life – from sex and drinking, to love and success.

MTV Resource Guide, “It’s Your Sex Life,” provides many resources on various topics such as pregnancy, STDs, relationships, communication and other issues relevant to the lives of teens.

Sex, Etc. provides teens with direct access to honest, accurate sexual health information, along with an award-winning magazine written by teens for teens.

Teen Talk provides accurate information on sexual health and education topics designed specifically for teens, including the opportunity to submit questions and have them answered confidentially. This teen-focused resource is provided by the Power To Decide.

TeensHealth is a safe, private place for teens who want honest, accurate information about health, emotions and life.